Product photography is very important in today’s competitive world. Your website, Facebook, or Instagram page is your showcase.
The more beautiful this showcase is, the more attractive it is and the more likely it is to buy excitement, and as business managers, we are obliged to choose the strategy, for which we have two ways:
۱٫ be creative, use the maximum power of our team, and do the product photography ourselves.
۲٫ leave the photography to a team of photographers and pay.
Anyway, here we give you some very good ideas for photographing candles, which have recently become very popular:
To photograph candles, you need the following equipment:
Camera, cell phone camera, natural light, two pieces of cardboard, fruit, flower, or any other details you like.

Use cardboard as the wall and another cardboard as the background. Put the product and other details together with a beautiful composition.

In order to be more effective, you can use the third cardboard so that you can take pictures from more angles.
Check out the examples below for more ideas.